Wednesday, 29 August 2012

think think think

violence and abuse occur when someone's fears are attacked. it is never easy to deal with fear. one has to be sorted out which if one were, one would not have nurtured fear in the first place. so think before you say or do something to someone. think if it really will serve any purpose?

Monday, 20 August 2012

its about the right attitude

some people have the skill to bring out the best in anyone. They can engage with carpenters to CEOs with same intensity.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

on the front foot


the zest is tough to revive
dim are hopes to survive
heart drags until it tires
tears wither away desires
misfortunes wait in a queue
no one comes to your rescue


Death, life's friend, someday
Will take it away anyway
Give it a chance. Another.
Relax. Don't surrender
Muster little courage, friend
World has not seen its end
Mend. Redesign. Take a dip
Roots of life will find a grip
Life will embrace if you would
live it on the front foot

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

as simple as that

sometimes it is hard to forget people's actions. as a result, you can't forgive people.
now, you could either get too emotional about it, spit your heart's poison on them or you could sit, take some breaths and think about things in entirety. chances are you will end up telling yourself, "ah! what a silly thing to hold on to. lets try and make things better."

Monday, 6 August 2012


sometimes i wonder how two people who have grown together, raised by loving parents become indifferent to each other. how? things can go wrong at times but how does the damage become irrepairable? how can they give up on each other?
how hard it can get to live well if one loses such a relationship.

Sunday, 5 August 2012


The appetite for socializing
which facebook, emails, chatting
can greatly appease. To say the least,
today, its more about ease.
Charm of meeting quietly fades
blinking behind the race-shades,
slaves of technology, rules and life
are running faster than time?
In this punny-funny world,
dedicating a day to friends
oh yes, makes a lot of "sense"

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

soaked in

this quietness of a day
some amount of monotony
some amount of harmony
no track of time
it flies away

this quietness of a day
some amount of detachment
some amount of recoupment
in the world sublime
walking away

Thursday, 19 July 2012

ख्वाबों के आगे

प्यार की रौशनी में 
दिल आज़ाद हुआ है मेरा 
जैसे भूल गयी हूँ बीती बातें 
कैसे तुमने समय को फेरा ?

हो गयी है तुम्हारी आदत
चाहती हूँ यूँही साथ चलना 
फिर से जुटी है हिम्मत
है ख्वाबों के आगे जाना

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Haule haule by Jaideep Sani

Haule Haule se hawa lagti hai
Haule haule se dawa lagti hai
Haule haule se dua lagti hai
Haule haule se nasha chadhta hai
Tu sabar to kar mere yaar
Zara saans to le dildaar
Chal fikar nu goli maar
Yaar hai din jindari de chaar

Haule haule ho jayega :)

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Monday, 4 June 2012

days when you wait

why does the postman ring the evening bell only when the birds begin to chirp ?
these symphonic moments of the day :)

Monday, 28 May 2012


I have always believed if you cant change it, you deserve it. This is because i don't like it when people play the blame game or pity themselves endlessly.

It is also not easy to imagine what it is like to be on the receiving end. Sometimes they may not be able to fight. Then, people at the other end should take the high road.

Thursday, 24 May 2012


Have had a great life. But i will regret 2009-2010. Sanity prevailed and i am not sure who to thank. May be my partner.

Will keep the regret alive until my last breath.

Thursday, 17 May 2012


May the world sees more like them

Monday, 14 May 2012

it was meant to be or was it not?

for who we are, for what we think, we deserve what we get.

if we did not deserve it, we would change it.

if we live with it, we should rather not put up a facade

Thursday, 10 May 2012

thats how it is

if and only if you forgive the person, you will forget the pain.
someone who loves you will wait for you until the last breath.
sometimes even when you know this, you won't act accordingly.

Saturday, 28 April 2012


Flowing waters, swaying trees
flowering buds, raining leaves
It wasn't noise, it was inspiring
the wind was softly whispering
Continuity, changes, beginnings
the melody of life lingering...
You won't breathe forever.
Live as long as you do.
Don't fret, you'll see
clouds disappear.
Don't fear, you'll know
seasons are the reasons of life

Thursday, 29 March 2012

उनतीस साल गुजर गए !

विश्वास नहीं होता.. क्या क्या किया ! जब बातें याद करती हूँ तो सोचती हूँ, वह मैं थी ? पुरानी छोटी छोटी कहानियों के जैसे तार छिड गए हैं. खट्टे, मीठे और कुछ कडवे भी. ज़िन्दगी की पहेलियाँ कभी खुद बनती रही, कभी मैं बनाती रही. दिमाग का ढक्कन जैसे खुलता गया. एक बात तो है, पाँचो इन्द्रियों से जो हम महसूस करते हैं , उससे बढ़कर जो है वही इस पहेली का हल है. एक और बात है, पहेली के पहलु समझने के लिए, सतर्क रहकर और सोच बुझ से चलते रहे. हताश हो कर रुक जाना और कमियों से परेशान होना, व्यर्थ है. 

तो खाओ पियो और खुश रहो !

Monday, 26 March 2012

Visit to parliament in New Delhi

frisked 4 times, passes checked not less than 10 times,  sarcasm floated around, parliament was adjourned twice over Army chief, V.K Singh's allegations and Telangana issue. Disappointed. 
Next time. Better day.

Thursday, 22 March 2012


I have always found "cynics and atheists" unassuming and loving. They never suffocate anyone in the clutches of their opinions. They love to debate and are fair. Just cant stand people who traumatize young ones and call it care/protection.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

couch potatoes are not welcome

if "help" means to make someone dependent, it is either megalomania or ignorance. it cannot be generosity or love. you cannot walk with someone all the time. why encourage brain outsourcing? why would you want to become a cognitive servant and create dumb beings?
help should be extended in a way to make someone independent and confident. 

Monday, 12 March 2012

hope is real.. well said ! indeed it is

what an association with an optimistic man can do!  zest is coming back
song of the day

Sunday, 4 March 2012

chalte hi jayenge dheere dheere

singapore, kolkata, bangalore, bhubhaneshwar, pipli, delhi, ladakh, ludhiana, puri, jamshedpur, chandil, agra (thrice), fatehpur sikri, khajuraho, orchha, mathura, vrindavan, khatu, jaipur in last one year!!!

Thursday, 9 February 2012


Wednesday, 1 February 2012


Thursday, 12 January 2012

judgment calls

there can be instances in life where you choose to lose your objectivity even if you know that could land you in a mess. there can be times when your conscience does not allow you to be strategic even if you see high chances of jeopardizing your position. in my opinion it is unwise to do so only if you have a hint that it would leave you regretting.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

falling in love

it is such a cliche with negative connotation. the word "falling" seems so misplaced in this context. love just makes you look inwards. and you grow. day by day. everyday.

here is one for you paunchy

sweets are sweet no longer
potatoes seem so bland
nothing seems to feed my hunger
might i eat as much as i want
junky burgers, pizzas at the door
without you, i like them no more

now you know how i grow. inwards. outwards.