the day womenfolks are disassociated from the idea of being the honor of the family/society, they would be freed. In the sense, a women should not be looked at like objects who can either be revered or bring disgrace to a family.
Someone said the idea of family could have also come from the thought of "ownership" of property which in turn lead to the idea of passing on the property. Who could it be passed on to? Intuitive answer to it is - posterity..their "own" children. So, men had to ensure woman remained chaste. A woman's sexual activity should be brought under the microscope. Oh dear! it doesn't stop here.
Perhaps, to ensure this further, ideas like "virginity", "chastity", (ill)legitimate, "weaker sex", "woman-pride of the family", "honor killing", "dont-talk-about-sex" and likes were glorified.
This could have been a justified road to suffocating a woman's freedom by creating (supposedly) a respectable position for them or protecting them in a society.
It is so demeaning! I do feel there is a thin line between stupidity and tolerance.
(to be continued...)